Title: Gossip buddies Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Martha Jones Rating: PG Challenge: 610 - Experience Notes: Jack has found someone to gossip with about his favourite subject. A double drabble.
Title: Tough sell Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Martha Jones Rating: PG Challenge: 602 - Recruit Notes: Jack is going to have to do a lot of arm twisting. A double drabble.
Title: New allies Author: m_findlow Characters: Owen, Martha Jones Rating: PG Challenge: 598 - Value Notes: Owen has found a new ally and friend. A double drabble.
Title: Mixed feelings Author: m_findlow Characters: Martha Jones, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 557 - Disaster Notes: Jack's trip could be a blessing or a curse.
Title: In an instant Author: m_findlow Characters: Gwen, Martha, (mentions team) Rating: PG Challenge: 535 - Instant Notes: Everything can change in an instant.
Title: In uniform Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Martha Jones Rating: PG Challenge: 393 - Uniform Notes: Jack's not averse to a uniform in certain situations ( Read more… )